Google Developers Groups Study Jams is a free series of global, community-run, in-person study groups. Last year's Study Jams focused on the Android Fundamentals Udacity Course. Check out the video summary below:
The second Study Jams series is presented in partnership with Udacity and will follow their Android Beginners curriculum. If you are interested in the Android for Beginners Study Jams, join the live Hangout on Air on February 5 (7-8:30 AM, Philippine Time).
This year, GDG Philippines will be partnering with schools/collleges/universities for the Study Jams. If you are a teacher/professor/instructor and you are interested for a Study Jams in your school, please send us an email at (with the Subject "Study Jams"). If you are already a developer and you are interested in the Study Jams:
- Signup at, enroll in the Android for Beginners Course, and start with the lessons
- Join the global Google Developers Study Jams Google+ Community and GDG Philippines Study Jams Google+ Community and post your questions there.
- Create your final project and prepare to present it to us. We'll be announcing details on project presentation/awarding. It's better if you will be able to publish it on Google Play Store.
What will participants in the Study Jams get? Aside from mentoring from facilitators, they will also get completion certificates, schwags, discounts to the Android Nanodegree, and more if they will be able to present their final projects.