Tuesday, June 15, 2010

DevFest 2010 Manila

Google D3vF3st is a free developer event where you can learn a lot about Google technologies and other developer news. It is a tour of Google engineers and developers advocates in various cities around the world where they serve as resource speakers and give talks, coding demonstrations and answer questions. D3vF3st 2010 will take place this year on cities in Australia, Israel, Spain, Southeast Asia, and Latin America.
The Philippines already had a DevFest last 2008. This year, we are very lucky to be a part of another DevFest. And our country is their first stop-over on Southeast Asia. DevFest 2010 Manila will focus on the following topics: Chrome/HTML5, App Engine, Social APIs and Maps API. There will be five engineers and developer advocates coming here. They are Jeremy Orlow, Daniels Lee, Patrick Chanezon, Timothy Jordan and Bob Aman. Additional information about them can be found at http://code.google.com/events/devfests/2010/asia1.html. There will also be a Hackaton during the DevFest.
DevFest 2010 Manila will be on July 6, 2010 from 08:30 in the morning to 06:00 in the evening. The venue of the event is still being finalized and will be announced soon. You can now register at http://code.google.com/events/devfests/2010/asia1.html. (Register early because slots are limited).
See you in the D3vF3st!

Update: The event will be held at UP-Ayala Technohub. The registration is already closed by now.