Monday, March 9, 2015

Polymer Polytechnic Philippines

Polymer is a new kind of library, built atop Web Components, that enables developers to create their own encapsulated, custom HTML elements. With Polymer and Web Components, we can componentize the web! Polymer Polytechnic is an event series of in-person, community-run events to help developers learn Polymer. These events are run by local Google Developer Groups or other developer meetups all over the world.

Polymer Polytechnic Philippines will be on March 21 at De La Salle University. If you want to learn more about Polymer and join this event, fill up our registration form below

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Women Techmakers Manila 2015

Happy International Women's Day!

This year, GDG Philippines is organizing another Women Techmakers event on March 28, 2015. The goal of the event is to empower women to pursue their dreams and build tools that will change the world. There will be talks, code labs, and breakout sessions from different women speakers.

If you are interested to join the event, check the registration, agenda, and other details at the events website ( Aside from Manila, GDG Baguio and GDG Cagayan de Oro are also organizing Women Techmakers in their cities.